Training on hearing children in the position of injured parties in legal proceedings.
Hearing children in criminal proceedings requires specialization from the professionals who hear them. In investigating a suspected crime against a child, hearing the child is often a key part of the criminal process. Unlike in the case of adult parties, the child’s hearing during the pre-trial investigation is videotaped, and later the recording forms part of the trial file. Therefore, it is essential that there are no mistakes in hearing the child, for example in the form of leading, pressure or misunderstandings.
Read more about training for legal interpreters (pdf 377 kt, in Finnish).
Training has been organised four times between 2020 and 2023. A fifth training session will be held in autumn 2024.
Contact details of interpreters who have completed this training can be obtained by asking the Barnahus Regional Coordinators: Contact information – Barnahus