Wellbeing services county materials

The forensic psychiatry and psychology units for children and adolescents (Barnahus Centres) investigate suspected abuse of the child in situations where executive assistance has been requested in the matter.

All the units provide consultation assistance to the professionals of services for children and families on working days, when necessary. Telephone numbers of the forensic psychiatry and psychology units for children and adolescents:

  • Oulu University Hospital specific catchment area (OYS)
    tel. 040 025 1136.
  • Kuopio University Hospital specific catchment area (KYS)
    tel. 044 717 2783.
  • Tampere University Hospital specific catchment are (TAYS)
    tel. 050 562 7886.
  • Turku University Hospital specific catchment area (ÅUCS)
    tel. 046 920 4030.
  • Vaasa area (part of the TYKS area)
    tel. 040 6528 093.
  • Helsinki University Hospital Specific Catchment Area (HUS)
    tel. 050 428 7888.

Suomen kartta, jossa näkyy yliopistollisten sairaaloiden erityisvastuualueet